It’s a sad truth that a designer’s own site and portfolio are always the last to get attention.
I’m happy to say, though, that I did finally find some time to update mine with a few projects I’ve been working on. Yes, despite my new motherhood and relative radio silence on the blog and Instagram, I am in fact actively working and producing work. And it’s work I’m pretty darn proud of, too. Take a look (and you can click through on each of this for the full portfolio listing and project details):

Labels for the next product in the Austonian Spirits line-up: a Texas Bourbon.
This hit shelves earlier this year, so be sure to check it out!

A new logo and brand identity for EarthyPup, an upcoming website for dog owners to find eco-friendly options for pet products.

New logo and visual identity for Bijou Collective, a digital agency modeling a new form of collaborative entrepreneurship while helping changemakers make an impact. I am also a member of this collective, so this was an interesting experience!
A pretty satisfying update, I must say. Aside from these pieces that are complete and up, right now I also have work involving a book cover, graphic work for a podcast, some website work, and more. All fun stuff! Watch for them in my next new work round-up.