Like any job, being a designer and also being a freelancer comes with some occasional headaches. I find that talking with other designers or freelancers about common problems helps ease some of the stress, particularly when the experience (in hindsight) can be made into a funny story. Here are some great web comics that do the same thing:
Employee vs. Freelancer – Freelance Freedom – N.C. Winters : A succinct explanation of the difference between an employee and a freelancer. Should be required viewing for all potential clients.
Why It Costs What It Costs – The Brads – Brad Colbow : As freelancers, we constantly face the assumption that our prices are fluid and can be negotiated down to the pittance that a [grossly uninformed] client thinks a project should cost. Here’s why that doesn’t fly.
Client Types – Freelance Freedom – N.C. Winters : I have had every single one of these.
Self-Help – Freelance Freedom – N.C. Winters : Ah, the client who thinks they can work a design program themselves. I’ve had this more times than I can count.
How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell – The Oatmeal : I’ve also unfortunately run into this in the past.
Production Cycle – Freelance Freedom – N.C. Winters : Ah, the joys of working with a print shop whose software is from the Stone Age.
And finally, to round it out, The Dreaded Word Document – Freelance Freedom – N.C. Winters : This is a way more common occurrence than it should, and is always dreaded.
As you can probably tell, I’m a big fan of that Freelance Freedom comic strip.
What are some of your favorite & humorous takes on freelance life?