I’m taking a page from Bobby McKenna’s book and sharing my bucket list of design projects. These are the types of things my little designer heart would geek out over working on, and I hope to have the chance over the course of my career.
- Identity and menu suite for a new local Austin restaurant with delicious food, budget for quality printing, and desire to establish a brand with personality
- A full wedding invitation suite with all the (tasteful) bells and whistles
- Album cover for a band whose music I love (I’d flip out for the Airborne Toxic Event, or Dotan)
- Coordinating book covers for a sci-fi or fantasy series
- Logo for a start-up that becomes a hugely successful business (bragging rights, what!)
- Poster for a big-studio movie
- Logo & packaging for craft brewery or vineyard or both
- Have an invitation design (or several) picked up by Minted
- Logo & packaging design for a chocolatier
- Logo & branding for a local coffeehouse
- Season program for a well-established theater
- Book cover for a famous author and/or a big publishing house
- Non-traditional/non-paper business cards for an adventurous client
I’m sure this list will grow and change in time, but meanwhile if you have a project that matches one of these, hit me up!
What’s on your career bucket list?