Time for another round of Creative Wavelength! Here are some of the cool art-y, design-y, creativity-related things I’ve found around the web lately:

This is pretty cool: Designer Turns Selfies into Art using a Mirror and Markers. That is dedication to the art of the selfie.

Intricate Paper Carvings by Maude White. How does she not tear them?!

Damon Hellandbrand Re-Creates Zodiac Signs into Mythical Creatures. Whoa. These are legit creepy and really well done.
⇒ Distilling The Visual Language Of Video Games Into A Clever Logo. This is a cool case study.
⇒ The Subtle Genius of Elena Ferrante’s [Deliberately] Bad Book Covers. Interesting marketing approach.
⇒ Introverts Do It Better: Why They Make Great Entrepreneurs.
⇒ Do Templates Make Good Design Accessible to All or Diminish the Role of the Designer?
⇒ The Creative World’s Bullshit Industrial Complex. This is so spot-on.
⇒ Why Being Constantly Busy Is Killing Your Creativity.
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Have you stumbled on any interesting creative projects or thought pieces lately? Share below!