Are you ready for another Monday? I’m coming at you this week with a new Creative Wavelength, my latest art, design and creativity-related finds from around the internet. Let’s jump right in and get the creative juices flowing:

These shattered glass animal sculptures by Marta Klonowska are amazingly intricate.

I can’t stop looking at the fantastical sculpture work of Forest Rogers.

Illustrator Marta Altés finds a new way to use her pencils.

This is my new favorite comic series: Designer Problems.
⇒ The annual 36 Days of Type challenge is winding to a close. Catch up with the hashtag on Instagram (I’ve also been participating).
⇒ Creative Chronicles: The Battle for Quality Over Quantity. Shauna nails it once again.
⇒ Nobody Cares How Hard You Work. “We chronically confuse the feeling of effort with the reality of results—and for anyone working in a creative field, that means the constant risk of frittering time and energy on busywork, instead of the work that counts.”
⇒ If you’ve ever wondered how someone with color blindness sees your work, now you can simulate it with Color Oracle.
⇒ There is no quick fix for expertise. Preach it!
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Have you found any amazing art or creative articles lately? Share with me in the comments!