The latest installation of Creative Wavelength is here! Here’s some nifty art, design & generally creative things I’ve found around the web lately:

As a book addict, piano player, and designer, this awesome bookshelf is hitting all of my sweet spots. I want one. By Sebastian Errazuriz.

I love these illustrations by Amy Hamilton.

These honest wine labels are hilarious, and based on real situations that happened while the designers were drinking wine.

Artist Uses Food to Complete Her Fashion Sketches. These just make me happy. By Gretchen Röehrs.
⇒ This Book Cover Judges You Back. If you look at the book with anything other than a neutral expression, the cover refuses to open.
⇒ Have you tried out the Kolor color guessing/matching game? It gets tricky quickly.
⇒ The Look Of Funny: How The Onion’s Art Department Works.
⇒ And did you see? I’m now on Instagram.
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What cool arty designy things have you come across recently?