How is it almost November?! This year has flown by. And while things in the wide world may not be great, luckily there are still creative folks doing their part to make the world a more beautiful and interesting place. Check out these folks doing/making/writing incredible things:
⇒ Seth Godin has some advice about imposter syndrome.
⇒ Sarah at Yes & Yes puts a name to the feeling thyat anyone who’s gone the less-common path has experienced: Are You Paying the Authenticity Tax?
⇒ If you haven’t seen the Oh No comics at Webcomicname, you’re missing out. Particular gems for creatives: Pitch, Imagination, and Desecration.
⇒ Saturday Night Live did a skit on an issue close to every designer’s heart.
What artistic things have you come across recently that you’re obsessed with? Leave me a link!