Today I’ve got another batch of Creative Wavelength finds for you- the cream of the internet artsy crop that I’ve come across in the past few weeks. Take a look:

Brilliant Pixelated Wood Sculptures by Artist Hsu Tung Han. I love these.

Artist Walead Beshty Shipped Glass Boxes Inside FedEx Boxes to Produce Shattered Sculptures. These are both cool and kind of funny.

3D-printed, modular chocolates that complement one another. I want to try these so bad.

Photographer Brings Russian Fairy Tales to Life in Artistic Portraits by Margarita Kareva. Lovely.
⇒ This Machine Creepily Duplicates Your Handwriting Perfectly. Send handwritten notes without actually writing them by hand.
⇒ The Inbox of Forgotten Emails: All those emails you wrote but never sent. This makes for some interesting reading.
⇒ Why we should kill the 40-hour work week. Yup.
⇒ Strandbeests: kinetic beach sculptures that move with the wind. These are both creepy and cool.
⇒ Graphic Design is a Literary Discipline.
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Have you come across anything creative, artsy, or design-y that’s impressed or interested you lately? Do share!