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What is Branding, Exactly? 5 Key Components
Have you ever wondered “what is branding, exactly?” Then this post is for you. I break branding down into its 5 key components and explain each one.
Covers Reimagined: The Odyssey
I went through a phase in middle school where I read nothing but Greek mythology - yes, for fun. I don't remember what sparked this interest, but I do remember it being pretty intense of an obsession. This has echoes nowadays in trying to guess the myth in a...
My Design Project Bucket List
I'm taking a page from Bobby McKenna's book and sharing my bucket list of design projects. These are the types of things my little designer heart would geek out over working on, and I hope to have the chance over the course of my career. Identity and menu suite for a...
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays! We are having a quiet and relaxing Christmas here, spending our first holiday season as a married couple on our own. Well, us and the dog. 🙂 And while I certainly don't need mittens in this 75-degree weather, I will still be enjoying many a mug of hot...
Creative Wavelength
Today I've got another installation of Creative Wavelength for you! Here's some nifty art, design & generally creative-cool things I've found around the web recently: ⇒ No-Bullshit Advice for Choosing a Logo You’ll Love. Possibly the best...
Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Work With Me
A lot of the marketing articles I've read talk about focusing on what you bring to the table and why a person should pick you/your business to provide whatever it is you're offering. I get that, and employ a good amount of that in my social media and here around the...
Uncovered: Book Covers That Don’t Shout Their Titles
One thing I've heard some authors and even other book cover designers say is that the title of the book should be the largest thing on the cover. "It needs to be readable when it's shrunk down to thumbnail size on Amazon" is how it's usually phrased. It is a very...